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Non possiamo credere che sia già passato un anno da quando abbiamo deciso di intraprendere questa avventura!

Abbiamo realizzato il sogno di stimolare la crescita culturale e l’integrazione tra vari paesi del mondo. Con i nostri corsi abbiamo portato e fatto conoscere Sciacca in sette paesi del mondo e cioè in Canada, USA, Inghilterra, Spagna, Giappone, Polonia e Danimarca. Abbiamo stretto nuove amicizie e abbiamo fatto in modo che ne nascessero tante tra i nostri studenti e i nostri insegnanti.

Attraverso l’organizzazione di eventi e incontri di conversazione abbiamo imparato insieme vedendo un notevole progresso nei nostri studenti che hanno potuto apprendere non solo la lingua inglese, ma anche conoscere una nuova cultura e nuovi paesi: è stato come un viaggio lungo un anno attraverso il mondo!

Per questo vogliamo ringraziare di cuore davvero tutti, a cominciare dagli insegnanti che ci hanno accompagnato in questo percorso: Stef, Eleonor, Tiffany, Fatima and Fredy, Erin, Asta, Robin, Lisa, Sophie e Charlie. Un ringraziamento anche a Janet e Beata, special guests, che hanno arricchito il nostro programma di eventi! Ed ovviamente grazie a tutti i nostri studenti che ci hanno dato fiducia e che con la loro passione ci stimolano a crescere e ad offrire sempre il meglio di noi!

Vi auguriamo una felicissima estate, sperando che possiate sfruttare le conoscenze linguistiche che avete imparato e vi aspettiamo a settembre per un nuovo anno insieme! GRAZIE!!!


It’s hard to believe that one year has already passed since we decided to start up this adventure!

We’ve realised our dreams by stimulating cultural integration and awareness within Sciacca.  

Our students have had the opportunity to learn about traditions and culture from across the world. So far we have hosted teachers from Canada, USA, England, Spain, Japan, Poland and Denmark.

Within our classes, we have encouraged new friendships, and our teachers have become our friends too. During our events and conversation meetings we have had lots of fun learning together. It has been rewarding to see our students progress with their English, and enjoy discovering new cultures and ways of life. It has been like a one year journey around the world together! 

For these things, we would like to thank everyone lots, starting with our teachers: Stef, Eleonor, Tiffany, Fatima and Fredy, Erin, Asta, Robin, Lisa, Sophie and Charlie. A special thankyou to Janet and Beata, our special guests, who enriched our events with their presentations! Of course, thanks to all our students, who have believed in us, and with their passion and motivation, continue to stimulate us to offer the best we can!

We wish you a fantastic summer break, and hope that you use the English you have learnt with us.  We look forward to seeing you in September for a new year together!!! THANKS!!!

Vi auguriamo una felicissima estate, sperando che possiate sfruttare le conoscenze linguistiche che avete imparato e vi aspettiamo a settembre per un nuovo anno insieme! GRAZIE!!!


It’s hard to believe that one year has already passed since we decided to start up this adventure!

We’ve realised our dreams by stimulating cultural integration and awareness within Sciacca.  

Our students have had the opportunity to learn about traditions and culture from across the world. So far we have hosted teachers from Canada, USA, England, Spain, Japan, Poland and Denmark.

Within our classes, we have encouraged new friendships, and our teachers have become our friends too. During our events and conversation meetings we have had lots of fun learning together. It has been rewarding to see our students progress with their English, and enjoy discovering new cultures and ways of life. It has been like a one year journey around the world together! 

For these things, we would like to thank everyone lots, starting with our teachers: Stef, Eleonor, Tiffany, Fatima and Fredy, Erin, Asta, Robin, Lisa, Sophie and Charlie. A special thankyou to Janet and Beata, our special guests, who enriched our events with their presentations! Of course, thanks to all our students, who have believed in us, and with their passion and motivation, continue to stimulate us to offer the best we can!

We wish you a fantastic summer break, and hope that you use the English you have learnt with us.  We look forward to seeing you in September for a new year together!!! THANKS!!!

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